thread[laid]bare exhibition

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our space and events.
Our exhibition, Thread[laid]bare, was a showcase of artists and makers who push the boundaries of contemporary art and craft practices through a commonality of thread whether they are textile based or simply inspired by thread.
Thread[laid]bare is a play on the word, threadbare, which is often used to describe clothing and soft furnishings that have worn thin over time usually through overuse as favourite beloved items.
The exhibition sought to elevate and lay to bare traditional craft techniques by bringing them to the forefront and giving them the attention they belatedly deserve.
Exhibiting artists and makers include Clara Batton Smith, Mary-Ellen Belleville, Miranda Brett, Amelia Dowling, Di Ellis, Fiona Gavens, Tara Glastonbury, Jess Hall, Katherine Marmaras (curator), Deborah McHugh, Grace Pundyk, Tamara Russell and Caroline Wright.
Craft Contemporary (1–31 October) is Craft Victoria’s annual festival amplifying the practice of craft in a state-wide gathering of talks, live demonstrations, exhibitions and more. Contemporary expressions of craft are explored within gallery, retail, educational and public spaces, calling attention to its ubiquitous and engaging presence.
For more festival and event details please follow the following tags and hashtags: @craftvictoria #craftcontemporary #craftvictoria